Out of Service: Dial 911 for Emergency

What Happens on Calls

When you dial (314) 935-5555 or 5-5555 from a campus phone, you will be connected to the campus police dispatcher. After referencing a medical emergency or specifically requesting EST, the dispatcher will ask you for your name, phone number, location, and various other questions to determine the nature of your emergency. Be as specific as possible in answering these questions as it will help EST determine what equipment to bring. The dispatcher may offer you useful information as well on what to do while waiting for EST’s arrival so make sure to not hang up on them.

The dispatcher will then page the duty crew and a WUPD police officer on duty with the location and medical emergency involved. All techs and the police officer will immediately respond. Depending on the severity of the emergency, a paramedic ambulance may be co-dispatched along with EST. EST will ask various questions and perform many assessments in order to determine the best course of action for the patient and their health.

If EST believes an ambulance is required given our cutoffs determined by our medical director, the police will radio to the local paramedic ambulance service asking for their response. EST techs will remain with the patient until care is transferred to the paramedics. The patient, depending on the situation and with the guidance of EST and the paramedics, will then decide if going to the hospital would be best. If the patient is brought to the hospital, they can request transport back to the Danforth campus from WUPD by calling (314) 935-5555. Refer to our resources page to find information regarding financial aid resources for covering an ambulance ride to the hospital.

If it is advisable for a patient to seek medical attention, yet the severity of the emergency does not warrant an ambulance, a WUPD officer can transport the patient to a local hospital or urgent care.

Q: So a police officer is present at all EST calls. Will I get in trouble? Is the call still confidential?

A: Click here for information regarding the confidentiality of EST's calls.

Location of event Description of event

If the EST techs determine that an ambulance is necessary for transport to a local hospital (St. Mary's Hospital or Barnes Jewish Hospital), the police dispatcher will alert a local paramedic ambulance service of the medical emergency. EST techs will remain with the patient until care is transferred to the paramedics. If it is advisable for a patient to seek medical attention, yet the severity of the emergency does not warrant an ambulance, a WUPD officer can transport the patient to a local hospital.

If the patient is transported to the hospital, they can request transport back to the Danforth campus from WUPD by calling (314) 935-5555